I am currently a Master's student in CS at Purdue University.
I like web dev and AI, especially for code generation and verification.
I also like making fun and useful things.
My current favorite sorting algorithm is bogosort.
A basic visualizer for polite theory combination. Shows the steps that many modern SMT solvers use when verifiying a logic statement from two theories
Basic experiment of improving math problem solving for ChatGPT
Basic experiment of improving logical reasoning (specifically relation extractions) for ChatGPT
A website project for Uniera Consulting. Give them a look!
Basic program-by-example (PBE) synthesizer that can generate programs that perform basic array manipulation and arithmetic on an input array. Does bottom-up and top-down enumeration to search for programs
A collaborative platform to learn LeetCode problems together. Submitted to the Boilermake X hackathon
Basic C++ chess engine for playing chess games and generating optimal moves. Designed to be paired with a GUI and be a backend for chess programs. Deployable to the web with WebAssembly
Web app that animates many different sorting algorithms
Simple GUI for the popular Youtube downloader library
Fast and easy to use music player and queuer, inspired by Discord GroovyBot. Submitted to the BoilerMake VIII Hackathon
Simple Brainf**k interpreter writen in C. Has basic error checking.
A degree and semester course planner for Purdue students. Submitted to the Boilermake IX Hackathon
An attempt to make a customizable web crawler/data miner wth search engine features
Simple browser extension that blocks user specified domains with a password
A video analytics IoT system that allows you to monitor people traffic and COVID social distancing violations. Uses Microsoft Azure Web services. Submitted to the Microsoft Azure AI 2021 Hackathon
Converts regular images to text characters based on pixel intensity, adding some "text-ure" to them!
Website to showcase my projects and personal links
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