My Blog

My little corner in the web. I just write random stuff when I need to remember my thought process for something. Really, it's more like a little notes page that I can access anywhere.

Understanding Sleep

Jul 20, 2024

Understanding how we sleep is important to learning how to improve it 💤

Back to basics: Neural network from scratch

Feb 03, 2024

For one of my classes, I had to implement a neural network from scratch. It was a great refresher on the math behind a neural network. Though, that doesn't make...

The (Unnecessarily Long) Journey in Redoing my Website

Jan 13, 2024

Not-quite-so-recently, I decided to revise my personal website, as I thought it looked a little bit boring. These were issues I had when developing my website, and how I went...

Hello World

Jan 12, 2024

I've been thinking about doing this for awhile. Ever since I learned ANOVA methods in my statistics class back in 2nd year of college, I wanted some place to just...

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